import os import vcs import cdms2 import EzTemplate import cdutil vcs.download_sample_data_files() def spaghetti_plot(variables, template=None, min_y=None, max_y=None, left_label=None, right_label=None, tick_sides=None, line="default", marker="default", x_labels="*", y_labels="*", canvas=None): """ This file is ready to be imported by your scripts, and you can just call this function. Sample usage is below. variables: List of variables to plot template: The template to use as the base for the plot. min_y: If you want to adjust the y axis bounds, you can set a minimum value. Will be derived from data if not specified. max_y: If you want to adjust the y axis bounds, you can set a maximum value. Will be derived from data if not specified. left_label: Text to put on the left Y axis right_label: Text to put on the right Y axis tick_sides: A list of "left" or "right" values indicating which side of the chart you want the variable axes to be displayed. line: A line object or name of a line object used to describe the lines plotted. Set to None to hide. marker: A marker object or name of a marker object used to describe the markers plotted. Set to None to hide. x_labels: Dictionary for setting axis tick labels y_labels: Dictionary for setting axis tick labels """ if canvas is None: canvas = vcs.init() if isinstance(template, (str, unicode)): template = vcs.gettemplate(template) if template is None: # Use our custom default template for 1ds template = vcs.createtemplate() # Shrink the template a bit template.scale(.78, "x") template.move(.02, "x") template.yname.x = .01 = .1 template.box1.y1 = .1 ticlen = template.xtic1.y2 - template.xtic1.y1 template.xtic1.y1 = template.xtic1.y2 = template.xtic1.y1 + ticlen template.xtic2.priority = 0 template.xlabel1.y = template.xtic1.y2 - .01 template.legend.x1 = + (1 - / 3. template.legend.x2 = .95 template.legend.y1 = template.legend.y2 = template.yname.y = ( + template.xname.y = template.xlabel1.y - .05 # The labels don't make any sense with multiple values; hide them. template.min.priority = 0 template.max.priority = 0 template.mean.priority = 0 template.dataname.priority = 0 templates = EzTemplate.oneD(len(variables), template=template) templates.x = canvas if tick_sides is None: tick_sides = ["left"] * len(variables) clean_ticks = [] for t in tick_sides: if t.lower() not in ('left', 'right'): raise ValueError("tick_sides must be a list of 'left' or 'right' values; found '%s'." % t) clean_ticks.append(t.lower()) tick_sides = clean_ticks if len(tick_sides) < len(variables): tick_sides += tick_sides[-1:] * len(variables) # Store min/max per side for appropriate scaling min_vals = {"left": min_y, "right": min_y} if min_y is None: for i, var in enumerate(variables): v_min = min(var) min_y = min_vals[tick_sides[i]] if min_y is None or min_y > v_min: min_vals[tick_sides[i]] = v_min max_vals = {"left": max_y, "right": max_y} if max_y is None: for i, var in enumerate(variables): v_max = max(var) max_y = max_vals[tick_sides[i]] if max_y is None or max_y < v_max: max_vals[tick_sides[i]] = v_max if isinstance(line, (str, unicode)): line = vcs.getline(line) if isinstance(marker, (str, unicode)): marker = vcs.getmarker(marker) to_pad = [] if line is not None: widths = line.width to_pad.append(widths) styles = line.type to_pad.append(styles) colors = line.color to_pad.append(colors) if marker is not None: markers = marker.type to_pad.append(markers) marker_colors = marker.color to_pad.append(marker_colors) marker_sizes = marker.size to_pad.append(marker_sizes) for padded in to_pad: if len(padded) < len(variables): padded += padded[-1:] * (len(variables) - len(padded)) for n in range(len(variables)): gm = vcs.create1d() if line is not None: gm.line = styles[n] gm.linewidth = widths[n] gm.linecolor = colors[n] else: gm.linewidth = 0 if marker is not None: gm.marker = markers[n] gm.markersize = marker_sizes[n] gm.markercolor = marker_colors[n] else: gm.marker = None gm.datawc_y1 = min_vals[tick_sides[n]] gm.datawc_y2 = max_vals[tick_sides[n]] template = templates.get(n) gm.xticlabels1 = x_labels if tick_sides[n] == "left": if tick_sides.index("left") == n: template.ylabel1.priority = 1 if left_label is not None: template.yname.priority = 0 left_text = vcs.createtext(Tt_source=template.yname.texttable, To_source=template.yname.textorientation) left_text.x = template.yname.x left_text.y = template.yname.y left_text.string = [left_label] templates.x.plot(left_text) else: template.ylabel1.priority = 0 template.yname.priority = 0 template.ylabel2.priority = 0 gm.yticlabels1 = y_labels gm.yticlabels2 = "" else: template.ylabel1.priority = 0 if tick_sides.index("right") == n: template.ylabel2.priority = 1 if right_label is not None: right_text = vcs.createtext(Tt_source=template.yname.texttable, To_source=template.yname.textorientation) right_text.x = + ( - template.yname.x) right_text.y = template.yname.y right_text.string = [right_label] templates.x.plot(right_text) else: template.ylabel2.priority = 0 gm.yticlabels1 = "" gm.yticlabels2 = y_labels if n != 0: template.xlabel1.priority = 0 template.xname.priority = 0 var = variables[n] templates.x.plot(var, gm, template) return templates.x if __name__ == "__main__": # A quick example on how to use the above function f =, "tas_ccsr-95a.xml")) variables = [] for i in range(6): tas = f("tas", slice(i*12, (i+1)*12)) # Extract one year # Assign an ID that will distinguish the years = "tas_%i" % tas.getTime().asComponentTime()[0].year # Manipulating the variable changes the id; we'll save it here. saved_id = # Make sure the data is bounded before averaging cdutil.setTimeBoundsMonthly(tas) var = cdutil.averager(tas(squeeze=1), axis="xy") var = cdutil.ANNUALCYCLE.climatology(var) = saved_id variables.append(var) # Customize the lines used to draw the plots line = vcs.createline() line.width = 2 line.color = ["red", "blue", "salmon", "medium aquamarine", "orange", "chartreuse"] line.type = ["dot", "dash", "dash-dot", "long-dash", "solid", "dash"] # Customize the markers drawn marker = vcs.createmarker() marker.size = 6 # You can just use the same colors as the lines marker.color = line.color marker.type = ["triangle_up", "plus", "diamond", "circle", "cross", "triangle_down"] # Middle of the month (from the time axis) months = { 15.5: "Jan", 45.0: "Feb", 74.5: "March", 105.0: "April", 135.5: "May", 166.0: "June", 196.5: "July", 227.5: "Aug", 258.0: "Sep", 288.5: "Oct", 319.0: "Nov", 349.5: "Dec" } # While there are a lot of options, you can rely on most of the defaults to make a nice plot. canvas = spaghetti_plot(variables, x_labels=months, left_label="Temperature (K)", line=line, marker=marker) f.close() # Make a nice title label title = vcs.createtext() title.halign = "center" title.valign = "top" title.height = 20 title.string = ["Surface Temperature Averages"] title.x = .5 title.y = .95 title.font = "Clarendon" canvas.plot(title) canvas.png("TAS_spaghetti")