This section shows useful VCS examples.
###Simple Plotting Example:
# Simple Plot module
# #
# Module: simpleplot module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Simple plotting example. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def simpleplot():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms
# See the CDMS document on how to ingest data. Also see the CU and #
# the Numeric documents on alternative ways to import data into VCS #
f = cdms2.openDataset('') # open example file
clt = f.variables['clt'] # get variable clt
s = clt[0] # get clt data
# Basically to plot using the VCS module, three steps are required: #
# importing the vcs module; initializing the VCS Canvas Object, and #
# plotting the data on the VCS Canvas. #
x = vcs.init() # initialize vcs
x.plot(s,variable = clt) # plot data using default values
print '*******************************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** SIMPLE PLOTTING COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '*******************************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Simple Overlay Plot Example:
# Simple Overlay Plot module
# #
# Module: simpleoverlay module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Simple overlay plotting example #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def simpleoverlay():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms
# See the CDMS document on how to ingest data. Also see the CU and #
# the Numeric documents on alternative ways to import data into VCS #
f = cdms2.openDataset('') # open example file
clt = f.variables['clt'] # get variable clt
s = clt[0] # get clt data
# Basically to plot using the VCS module, three steps are required: #
# importing the vcs module; initializing the VCS Canvas Object, and #
# plot the data on the VCS Canvas. #
# #
# Note: #
# In the example below, we are using isofill and isoline to plot the #
# data. We could just as easily used the `plot()' function to achieve #
# the same result: #
# x.plot(s,'default', `isofill', variable = clt) #
# x.plot(s,'default_dud', `isoline', variable = clt) #
# Note: #
# `default' and `default_dud' are passed as the second argument in #
# plot routines, respectfully. `default' represents a VCS template #
# that displays the text and plot lengend, while `default_dud' is a #
# VCS template that will only display the data on the VCS Canvas. #
x = vcs.init() # initialize vcs
x.isofill(s,'default',variable = clt) # plot data using default values
x.isoline(s,'default_dud',variable = clt) # overlay isolines over isofill plot
print '*****************************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** SIMPLE OVERLAY COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '*****************************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Boxfill Graphics Method Example:
# Example Boxfill (Gfb) module
# #
# Module: exampleboxfill module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's boxfill graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def exampleboxfill():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms
f = cdms2.openDataset('') # open example file
clt = f.variables['clt'] # get variable clt
s = clt[0] # get clt data
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(s,'default','boxfill','quick',variable = clt)# plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337) # change the geometry
print x.listelements('boxfill') # print boxfill Python list'boxfill') # show list of boxfill graphics methods
a = x.getboxfill('quick') # get 'quick' boxfill graphics method
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # check for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isboxfill(a): # check for boxfill
print 'Yes, this is a isofill graphics method'
a.list() # list its attributes
a.color_1 = 50 # change color_1 index attribute
a.xticlabels('lon30','lon30') # change xlabels attribute
a.xticlabels('','') # change remove xlables from plot
a.datawc(-45.0, 45.0, -90.0, 90.0) # change region
a.datawc(1e20,1e20,1e20,1e20) # change region back
a.xticlabels('*') # change attribute labels back
x.mode = 0 # turn atomatic update off
a.color_1 = 100 # change color_1 attribute
a.color_2 = 200 # change color_2 index value
a.xticlabels('lon30','lon30') # change attribute
a.yticlabels('','') # change y-labels off attribute
a.datawc(-45.0, 45.0, -90.0, 90.0) # change region
x.update() # view changes now
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' boxfill as a Python script
x.mode = 1 # turn atomatic update mode back on
a.color_1 = 16 # change color_1 attribute
a.color_2 = 239 # change color_2 index value
a.level_1 = 20 # change level_1
a.level_2 = 80 # change level_2
a.datawc(1e20,1e20,1e20,1e20) # change region back
a.yticlabels('*') # change y-labels attribute
x.scriptobject(a,'test', 'a') # append 'quick' to the existing file
a.script('test.scr','w') # save 'quick' as a VCS script file'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test','AMIPDUD')# create template 'test' from AMIPDUD
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.boxfill(s,a,'default') # plot using default template
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.boxfill(a,'default',s) # plot using default template, but, reverse the order
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.boxfill(s,a,t) # plot using template 'test'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.boxfill(a,s,t) # plot using template 'test', but reverse the objects
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.boxfill(t,a,s) # plot using template 'test', but reverse the objects
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a,s) # plot using the new way
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(a,t,s) # plot using the new way
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(s,t,a) # plot using the new way
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot('default',a,s) # plot using the new way
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot('default',s) # plot using the new way'boxfill') # show boxfill list without test2
a = x.createboxfill('test2','quick') # create 'test2' from 'quick'
a.color_1 = 50 # change color level
a.list() # list its attributes'boxfill') # show boxfill list with test2
x.removeobject(a) # remove test2 from boxfill list'boxfill') # show boxfill list without test2
print '*******************************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** BOXFILL EXAMPLE COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '*******************************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Continents Graphics Method Example:
# Example Continents (Gcon) module
# #
# Module: examplecontinents module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example of VCS's continents graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs modules. #
# #
def examplecontinents():
import vcs # import vcs and cdms2
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot('default','continents','quick')# plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,100,0) # change the geometry and location'continents') # show list of continents
a = x.getcontinents('quick') # get 'quick' continents
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.iscontinents(a): # test object 'a' if continents
print 'Yes, this is an continents graphics method'
a.list() # list the continents' attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' continents as a Python script
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('lon30','lon30') # change the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis
a.datawc(-45.0, 45.0, -90.0, 90.0) # change the region
a.datawc(1e20,1e20,1e20,1e20) # put the region back
a.line = 1 # same as 'dash', change the line style
a.line = 2 # same as 'dot', change the line style
a.line = 3 # same as 'dash-dot', change the line style
a.line = 0 # same as 'solid', change the line style
a.line = 4 # same as 'long-dash', change the line style
a.linecolor = (77) # change the line color
a.linecolor = 16 # change the line color
a.linecolor = 44 # same as a.linecolor = (44)
a.linecolor = None # use the default line color, black
a.line = None # use default line style, solid black line
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.continents(a,'default') # plot continents using 'default' template'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a) # plot continents using template 't', and continents 'a'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.continents(a,t) # plot continents
# Create line object 'l' from the default line #
l = x.createline('test')
if x.issecondaryobject(l): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.isline(l): # check to see if it is a line object
print 'Yes, this is a line object.'
l.list() # list the line's attributes and values
# Use the create line object 'l' from above and modify the line object #
a.line = l # use the line object
l.list() # list the line object attributes and values
l.color = 44 # change the line color
l.type = 'dash' # change the line type'continents') # show list of continents
r = x.createcontinents('test2','quick')# create continents 'test2''continents') # show list of continents
x.removeobject(r) # remove continents 'test2''continents') # show list of continents
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '**********************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** CONTINENTS COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '**********************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Isofill Graphics Method Example:
# Example Isofill (Gfi) module
# #
# Module: exampleisofill module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's isofill graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def exampleisofill():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms
f = cdms2.openDataset('') # open example file
clt = f.variables['clt'] # get variable clt
s = clt[0] # get clt data
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(s,'default','isofill','quick')# plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,100,0) # change the geometry and location'isofill') # show list of isofill graphics method
a = x.getisofill('quick') # get 'quick' isofill graphics method
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isisofill(a): # test object 'a' if isofill
print 'Yes, this is an isofill graphics method'
a.list() # list the isofill's attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' isofill as a Python script'colormap') # list all the colormaps
x.setcolormap("AMIP") # change the colormap from default to AMIP
a.missing = 241 # change the missing background color to black
a.xticlabels('lon30','lon30') # change the x-axis
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis
a.datawc(-45.0, 45.0, -90.0, 90.0) # change the region
a.datawc(1e20,1e20,1e20,1e20) # put the region back
a.levels = ([0,220],[230,240],[250,260]) # change the isofill levels
a.levels = ([0,220,225,230,235,240],[230,240],[250,260]) # change the isofill
a.levels = ([0,220,225,230,235,240],) # change the isofill levels
a.levels = ([0,220,225,230,235,240,245,250]) # change the isofill levels
a.levels = [0,220,225,230,235,240] # change the isofill levels
a.levels = (0.0,220.0,225.0,230.0,235.0,240.0,250.0) # change the isofill levels
a.levels = ([1e20]) # change back to default settings
a.levels = (0,220,225,230,235,240,250,260,270) # change the isofill levels
# Below will produce an error. Later, if needed, I will add this #
# functionality. #
#a.levels = ('0','20','25','30') # this will produce an error #
a.ext_1 = 'y' # add the extended legend arrow to the left
a.ext_1 = 'n' # remove the extended legend arrow to the left
a.ext_2 = 'y' # add the extended legend arrow to the right
a.ext_2 = 'n' # remove the extended legend arrow to the right
a.exts('y','y') # add the extended legend arrow to left and right
a.exts('n','n') # remove the extended legend arrow to left and right
a.fillareastyle = 'pattern' # change the fill style to pattern
a.fillareastyle = 'hatch' # change the fill style to hatch
a.fillareaindices = ([1,3,5,6,9,20]) # set the hatch index patterns
a.fillareacolors = ([22,33,44,55,66,77]) # set the fill area color indices
a.fillareacolors = None # use default color indices
a.fillareastyle = 'solid' # change the fill style back to solid
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.isofill(s,a,'default') # plot isofill using 'default' template'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates'fillarea') # show the list of fillarea secondary objects
f = x.getfillarea('def37') # get fillarea 'def37'
if x.issecondaryobject(f): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.isfillarea(f): # check to see if it is a fill area
print 'Yes, this is a fill area object.'
f.list() # list the fillarea's attributes and values
a.levels = (220,225,230,235,240,250,260,270,280,290,300,310) # change the
isofill levels
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(a,t,s) # plot array using isofill 'a' and template 't'
a.list() # list isofill's attributes
a.fillareaindices = (3,4,7,9,11) # set the indices
a.fillareaindices = (f,f,f,f,f,f) # set the indices using the fillarea object
a.fillareaindices = (f,2,4,7) # reset the indices using the fillarea object
a.fillareaindices = (7,f,f,f,8) # resett the indices using the fillare object
f.color = 44 # change the fillarea object's color = 'hatch' # change the fillarea object's fill style
x.scriptobject(a,'test') # save 'quick' isofill as a Python script
x.scriptobject(f,'test') # save 'def37' fill area as a Python script'isofill') # show list of isofill
r = x.createisofill('test2','quick') # create isofill 'test2''isofill') # show list of isofill
x.removeobject(r) # remove isofill 'test2''isofill') # show list of isofill
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '**************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** ISOFILL COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '**************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Isoline Graphics Method Example:
# Example Isoline (Gi) module
# #
# Module: exampleisoline module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's isoline graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def exampleisoline():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms
f = cdms2.openDataset('') # open example file
clt = f.variables['clt'] # get variable clt
s = clt[0] # get clt data
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(s,'default','isoline','quick',variable = clt)# plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,0,0) # change geometry and location
x.geometry(900,675,0,0) # change geometry and location'isoline') # show list of isoline
a = x.getisoline('quick') # get isoline 'quick'
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isisoline(a): # test object 'a' for isoline
print 'Yes, this is an isoline graphics method'
a.list() # list the isoline's attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' isoline as a Python script
a.xticlabels('lon30','lon30') # change the x-axis
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis back
a.datawc(-45.0, 45.0, -90.0, 90.0) # change the region
a.datawc(1e20,1e20,1e20,1e20) # put the region back
# Set the isoline level vales #
a.level = ([20,0.0],[30,0],[50,0],[60,0]) # change the isoline values
a.level = [[20,0.0],[30,0],[50,0]] # change the isoline values
a.level = ((20,0.0),(30,0),(50,0),(60,0),(70,0)) # change the isoline values
a.level = (25,35,45,55) # change the isoline values
a.level = [(22,33,44,55,66)] # change the isoline values
a.level = [(23,32,45,50,76),] # change the isoline values
a.level = [0] # same as a.level = (0,)
a.level = [[0,1e20]] # same as a.level = ((0,1e20),), use default settings
# Turn on and off the isoline level labels #
a.label = 'y' # same as a.label = 1
a.label = 'n' # same as a.label = 0
# Set the line style and line color #
a.level = ((20,0.0),(30,0),(50,0),(60,0),(70,0)) # change the isoline values
a.line = [1,3,0,4] # same as a.line = (1,3,0,4)
a.line = (['dash','long-dash','solid'])# same as a.line = ([2,4,0])
a.line = [2,4,1,3,2,0]
a.linecolors = ([22,33,44,55,66,77]) # change the line color
a.linecolors = (16,19,33,44) # change the line color
a.linecolors = None # use the default line color
a.line = None # use the default line style, which is solid
# Set the text font and text color #
a.label = 'y' # same as a.label = 1
a.text = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) # select fonts from 1 through 9
a.text = [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
a.text = ([1,3,5,6,9,2])
a.textcolors = ([22,33,44,55,66,77]) # set the text color
a.textcolors = (16,19,33,44)
a.textcolors = None # use default text color, black
a.text = None # use default font, 1
# Create template 'test' from the default template #
#########################################################################'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates
# Create line object 'l' from the default line #
l = x.createline('test')
if x.issecondaryobject(l): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.isline(l): # check to see if it is a line object
print 'Yes, this is a line object.'
l.list() # list the line's attributes and values
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.isoline(s,a,t) # plot the array using the template and isoline object
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a,s) # plot again using the new way
# Use the create line object 'l' from above and modify the line object #
a.line = [1,3,0,4] # same as a.line = (1,3,0,4)
a.line = ([2,4,0]) # same as a.line = (['dash', 'long-dash', 'solid'])
a.line = (l,4,l,0) # use the line object
a.line = (l,3,4,2,0)
l.list() # list the line object attributes and values
l.color = 44 # change the line color
l.type = 'dash' # change the line type
# Create the three types of text objects #
tc = x.createtextcombined('testc','std', 'testc','7left')
if x.istextcombined(tc):
print '*** textcombined listings ***'
tt = x.createtexttable('testt', 'default')
if x.istexttable(tt):
print '*** texttable listings ***'
to = x.createtextorientation('testo')
if x.istextorientation(to):
print '*** textorientation listings ***'
# Use the text objects in the isoline plot #
a.label = 'y' # make sure that the labels are turn on
a.text = ([1,3,5,6,9,2]) # set the font
a.text = ([tc,tt,to,6,9,2]) # use the created text objects and fonts
# Change the text object values #
tc.font = 3 # changing isoline level 20
tc.height = 15
tc.angle = 180
tc.color = 242
tt.font = 2 # changing isoline level 30
tt.spacing = 20
to.height = 15 # changing isoline level 50
to.path = 'down'
a.text = None # use default font, which is font 1
a.line = None # use default line, which is solid'isoline') # show list of isoline
r = x.createisoline('test2','quick') # create isoline 'test2''isoline') # show list of isoline
x.removeobject(r) # remove isoline 'test2''isoline') # show list of isoline
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '***************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** ISOLINE COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '***************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Outfill Graphics Method Example:
# Example Outfill (Gfo) module
# #
# Module: exampleoutfill module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's outfill graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def exampleoutfill():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms
f = cdms2.openDataset('') # open example file
clt = f.variables['clt'] # get variable clt
s = clt[0] # get clt data
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(s,'default','outfill','quick',variable = clt)# plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,100,0) # change the geometry and location
f2 = cdms2.openDataset('') # open surface data
sft = f2.variables['sft'] # get surface sft
s = sft[...] # get sft data
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(s,'default','outfill','quick',variable = sft)# plot the surface data'outfill') # show list of outfill
a = x.getoutfill('quick') # get 'quick' outfill
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isoutfill(a): # test object 'a' if outfill
print 'Yes, this is an outfill graphics method'
a.list() # list the outfill's attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' outfill as a Python script
a.xticlabels('lon30','lon30') # change the x-axis
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis
a.datawc(-45.0, 45.0, -90.0, 90.0) # change the region
a.datawc(1e20,1e20,1e20,1e20) # put the region back
a.fillareastyle = 'hatch' # change the fill style to hatch
a.fillareaindex = 11 # change the hatch index pattern
a.fillareacolor = (77) # change the hatch color
a.fillareacolor = 16 # chnage the hatch color
a.fillareacolor = 44 # same as a.fillareacolor = (44)
a.fillareacolor = None # use the default hatch color (black)
a.outfill = ([0]) # set the outfill value
a.outfill = ([1]) # set the outfill value
a.outfill = ([0,1]) # set the outfill value
a.outfill = ([0]) # set the outfill value
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.outfill(s,a,'default') # plot outfill using 'default' template'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a,s) # plot outfill template 't', outfill 'a', and array 's'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.outfill(a,s,t) # plot using outfill 'a', array 's', and template 't''fillarea') # show the list of fillarea secondary objects
f = x.getfillarea('def37') # get fillarea 'def37'
if x.issecondaryobject(f): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.isfillarea(f): # check to see if it is a fill area
print 'Yes, this is a fill area object.'
f.list() # list the fillarea's attributes and values
a.fillareastyle = f
f.color = 44 # change the fillarea object's color = 'hatch' # change the fillarea object's fill style'outfill') # show list of outfill
r = x.createoutfill('test2','quick') # create outfill 'test2''outfill') # show list of outfill
x.removeobject(r) # remove outfill 'test2''outfill') # show list of outfill
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '***************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** OUTFILL COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '***************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Outline Graphics Method Example:
# Example Outline (Go) module
# #
# Module: exampleoutline module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's outline graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def exampleoutline():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms
f = cdms2.openDataset('') # open example file
clt = f.variables['clt'] # get variable clt
s = clt[0] # get clt data
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(s,'default','outline','quick',variable = clt)# plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,100,0) # change the geometry and location
f2 = cdms2.openDataset('') # open surface data
sft = f2.variables['sft'] # get variable sft
s = sft[...] # get sft data
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(s,'default','outline','quick',variable = sft)# plot the surface data'outline') # show list of outline
a = x.getoutline('quick') # get 'quick' outline
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isoutline(a): # test object 'a' if outline
print 'Yes, this is an outline graphics method'
a.list() # list the isoline's attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' outline as a Python script
a.xticlabels('lon30','lon30') # change the x-axis
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis
a.datawc(-45.0, 45.0, -90.0, 90.0) # change the region
a.datawc(1e20,1e20,1e20,1e20) # put the region back
a.line = 0 # same as 'solid', change the line style
a.line = 1 # same as 'dash', change the line style
a.line = 2 # same as 'dot', change the line style
a.line = 3 # same as 'dash-dot', change the line style
a.line = 4 # same as 'long-dash', change the line style
a.linecolor = (77) # change the line color
a.linecolor = 16 # change the line color
a.linecolor = 44 # same as a.linecolor = (44)
a.linecolor = None # use the default line color, black
a.line = None # use default line style, solid black line
a.outline = ([0]) # set the outline value
a.outline = ([1]) # set the outline value
a.outline = ([0,1]) # set the outline value
a.outline = ([0]) # set the outline value
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.outline(s,a,'default') # plot outline using 'default' template'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a,s) # plot outline template 't', outline 'a', and array 's'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.outline(a,s,t) # plot using outline 'a', array 's', and template 't'
# Create line object 'l' from the default line #
l = x.createline('test')
if x.issecondaryobject(l): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.isline(l): # check to see if it is a line object
print 'Yes, this is a line object.'
l.list() # list the line's attributes and values
# Use the create line object 'l' from above and modify the line object #
a.line = l # use the line object
l.list() # list the line object attributes and values
l.color = 44 # change the line color
l.type = 'dash' # change the line type'outline') # show list of outline
r = x.createoutline('test2','quick') # create outline 'test2''outline') # show list of outline
x.removeobject(r) # remove outline 'test2''outline') # show list of outline
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '**************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** OUTFILL COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '**************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Scatter Graphics Method Example:
# Example Scatter (GSp) module
# #
# Module: examplescatter module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's scatter graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def examplescatter():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs, cdms2
f ='') # open clt file
u = f.getslab('u') # get slab u
v = f.getslab('v') # get slab v
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(u, v, 'default','scatter','quick')# plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,100,0) # change the geometry and location
a = x.getscatter('quick') # get 'quick' scatter
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isscatter(a): # test object 'a' if scatter
print 'Yes, this is an scatter graphics method'
a.list() # list the scatter's attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' scatter as a Python script
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis
# Change the scatter marker type #
a.marker = 1 # same as a.marker = 'dot'
a.marker = 2 # same as a.marker = 'plus'
a.marker = 3 # same as a.marker = 'star'
a.marker = 4 # same as a.marker = 'circle'
a.marker = 5 # same as a.marker = 'cross'
a.marker = 6 # same as a.marker = 'diamond'
a.marker = 7 # same as a.marker = 'triangle_up'
a.marker = 8 # same as a.marker = 'triangle_down'
a.marker = 9 # same as a.marker = 'triangle_left'
a.marker = 10 # same as a.marker = 'triangle_right'
a.marker = 11 # same as a.marker = 'square'
a.marker = 12 # same as a.marker = 'diamond_fill'
a.marker = 13 # same as a.marker = 'triangle_up_fill'
a.marker = 14 # same as a.marker = 'triangle_down_fill'
a.marker = 15 # same as a.marker = 'triangle_left_fill'
a.marker = 16 # same as a.marker = 'triangle_right_fill'
a.marker = 17 # same as a.marker = 'square_fill'
# Change the scatter marker size #
a.markersize = 5
a.markersize = 55
a.markersize = 100
a.markersize = 300
a.markersize = 15
# Change the scatter marker color #
a.markercolor = (77)
a.markercolor = 16
a.markercolor = 44 # same as a.markercolor = (44)
# Change the scatter settings to default #
a.markercolor = None
a.markersize = None
a.marker = None
a.marker = 1 # same as a.marker = 'dot'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.scatter(u, v, a,'default') # plot scatter using 'default' template'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a,u,v) # plot scatter template 't', outline 'a', and arrays 'u':'v'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.scatter(a,u,v,t) # plot using outline 'a', array 'u':'v', and template 't''marker') # show the list of marker secondary objects
m = x.getmarker('red') # get marker 'red'
if x.issecondaryobject(m): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.ismarker(m): # check to see if it is a fill area
print 'Yes, this is a marker object.'
m.list() # list the marker's attributes and values
# Use the create marker object 'm' from above and modify the line object #
a.marker = m # use the marker object
m.list() # list the marker object attributes and values
m.color = 44 # change the marker color
m.type = 'square' # change the marker type
m.size = 20 # change the marker size'scatter') # show list of scatter
r = x.createscatter('test2','quick') # create scatter 'test2''scatter') # show list of scatter
x.removeobject(r) # remove scatter 'test2''scatter') # show list of scatter
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '***************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** SCATTER COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '***************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Vector Graphics Method Example:
# Example Vector (Gv) module
# #
# Module: examplevector module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Used to test VCS's vector graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def examplevector():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms2
f ='') # open clt file
u = f.getslab('u',':',':',-10.,0.,0,10)# get slab u
v = f.getslab('v',':',':',-10.,0.,0,10)# get slab v
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(u, v, 'default','vector','quick') # plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,100,0) # change the geometry and location
a = x.getvector('quick') # get 'quick' vector
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isvector(a): # test object 'a' if vector
print 'Yes, this is an vector graphics method'
a.list() # list the vector's attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' vector as a Python script
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis
# Change the vector scale #
a.scale = 2.0
a.scale = 5.0
a.scale = 1.5
a.scale = 0.0
a.scale = -1.5
a.scale = -2.0
a.scale = -5.0
# Change the vector typeiiiiiii #
a.type = 0 # same as a.type = 'arrows'
a.type = 1 # same as a.type = 'barbs'
a.type = 2 # same as a.type = 'solidarrows'
# Change the vector reference #
a.reference = 10.
a.reference = 100.
a.reference = 4.
a.reference = 5.
# Change the vector alignment #
a.alignment = 'head' # same as a.alignment = 0
a.alignment = 'center' # same as a.alignment = 1
a.alignment = 'tail' # same as a.alignment = 2
# Change the vector line #
a.line = 0 # same as 'solid'
a.line = 1 # same as 'dash'
a.line = 2 # same as 'dot'
a.line = 3 # same as 'dash-dot'
a.line = 4 # same as 'long-dash'
a.line = None # use default line
# Change the vector line color #
a.linecolor = (77)
a.linecolor = 16
a.linecolor = 44 # same as a.color = (44)
a.linecolor = None
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.vector(u, v, a,'default') # plot vector using 'default' template'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a,u,v) # plot vector template 't', outline 'a', and arrays 'u':'v'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.vector(a,u,v,t) # plot using outline 'a', array 'u':'v', and template 't''line') # show the list of line secondary objects
l = x.getline('red') # get line 'red'
if x.issecondaryobject(l): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.isline(l): # check to see if it is a line
print 'Yes, this is a line object.'
l.list() # list the line's attributes and values
# Use the create line object 'm' from above and modify the line object #
a.line = l # use the line object
l.list() # list the line object attributes and values
l.color = 44 # change the line color = 'square' # change the line type
l.width = 4 # change the line size'vector') # show list of vector
r = x.createvector('test2','quick') # create vector 'test2''vector') # show list of vector
x.removeobject(r) # remove vector 'test2''vector') # show list of vector
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '*************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** VECTOR COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '*************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###XvsY Graphics Method Example:
# Example XvsY (GXY) module
# #
# Module: examplexvsy module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's XvsY graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def examplexvsy():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms2
f ='') # open clt file
u = f.getslab('u') # get slab u
v = f.getslab('v') # get slab v
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(u, v, 'default','xvsy','quick') # plot slabs the old way
x.geometry(450,337,100,0) # change the geometry and location
a = x.getxvsy('quick') # get 'quick' xvsy
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isxvsy(a): # test object 'a' if xvsy
print 'Yes, this is an xvsy graphics method'
a.list() # list the xvsy's attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' xvsy as a Python script
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis
# Change the xvsy line #
a.line = 0 # same as 'solid'
a.line = 1 # same as 'dash'
a.line = 2 # same as 'dot'
a.line = 3 # same as 'dash-dot'
a.line = 4 # same as 'long-dash'
# Change the xvsy line color #
a.linecolor = (77)
a.linecolor = 16
a.linecolor = 44 # same as a.color = (44)
a.linecolor = None
# Change the xvsy marker #
a.marker = 1 # Same as a.marker = 'dot'
a.marker = 2 # Same as a.marker = 'plus'
a.marker = 3 # Same as a.marker = 'star'
a.marker = 4 # Same as a.marker = 'circle'
a.marker = 5 # Same as a.marker = 'cross'
a.marker = 6 # Same as a.marker = 'diamond'
a.marker = 7 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_up'
a.marker = 8 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_down'
a.marker = 9 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_left'
a.marker = 10 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_right'
a.marker = 11 # Same as a.marker = 'square'
a.marker = 12 # Same as a.marker = 'diamond_fill'
a.marker = 13 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_up_fill'
a.marker = 14 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_down_fill'
a.marker = 15 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_left_fill'
a.marker = 16 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_right_fill'
a.marker = 17 # Same as a.marker = 'square_fill'
a.marker = None # Draw no markers
# Change the xvsy marker color #
a.marker = 'dot'
a.markercolor = 16
a.markercolor = 44 # same as a.markercolor = (44)
a.markercolor = None
# Change the xvsy marker size #
a.markersize = 5
a.markersize = 55
a.markersize = 10
a.markersize = 100
a.markersize = 300
a.markersize = None
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.xvsy(u, v, a,'default') # plot xvsy using 'default' template'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a,u,v) # plot xvsy template 't', outline 'a', and arrays 'u':'v'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.xvsy(a,u,v,t) # plot using outline 'a', array 'u':'v', and template 't''line') # show the list of line secondary objects
l = x.getline('red') # get line 'red'
if x.issecondaryobject(l): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.isline(l): # check to see if it is a line
print 'Yes, this is a line object.'
l.list() # list the line's attributes and values
# Use the create line object 'm' from above and modify the line object #
a.line = l # use the line object
l.list() # list the line object attributes and values
l.color = 44 # change the line color = 'dot' # change the line type
l.width = 4 # change the line size'marker') # show the list of marker secondary objects
m = x.getmarker('red') # get marker 'red'
if x.issecondaryobject(m): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.ismarker(m): # check to see if it is a fill area
print 'Yes, this is a marker object.'
m.list() # list the marker's attributes and values
# Use the create marker object 'm' from above and modify the line object #
a.marker = m # use the marker object
m.list() # list the marker object attributes and values
m.color = 44 # change the marker color
m.type = 'square' # change the marker type
m.size = 20 # change the marker size'xvsy') # show list of xvsy
r = x.createxvsy('test2','quick') # create xvsy 'test2''xvsy') # show list of xvsy
x.removeobject(r) # remove xvsy 'test2''xvsy') # show list of xvsy
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '**********************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** XvsY COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '*********************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Xyvsy Graphics Method Example:
# Example Xyvsy (GXy) module
# #
# Module: examplexyvsy module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's Xyvsy graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def examplexyvsy():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms2
f ='') # open clt file
u = f.getslab('u') # get slab u
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(u, 'default','xyvsy','quick') # plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,100,0) # change the geometry and location
a = x.getxyvsy('quick') # get 'quick' xyvsy
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isxyvsy(a): # test object 'a' if xyvsy
print 'Yes, this is an xyvsy graphics method'
a.list() # list the xyvsy's attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' xyvsy as a Python script
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis
# Change the xyvsy line #
a.line = 0 # same as 'solid'
a.line = 1 # same as 'dash'
a.line = 2 # same as 'dot'
a.line = 3 # same as 'dash-dot'
a.line = 4 # same as 'long-dash'
# Change the xyvsy line color #
a.linecolor = (77)
a.linecolor = 16
a.linecolor = 44 # same as a.color = (44)
a.linecolor = None
# Change the xyvsy marker #
a.marker = 1 # Same as a.marker = 'dot'
a.marker = 2 # Same as a.marker = 'plus'
a.marker = 3 # Same as a.marker = 'star'
a.marker = 4 # Same as a.marker = 'circle'
a.marker = 5 # Same as a.marker = 'cross'
a.marker = 6 # Same as a.marker = 'diamond'
a.marker = 7 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_up'
a.marker = 8 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_down'
a.marker = 9 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_left'
a.marker = 10 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_right'
a.marker = 11 # Same as a.marker = 'square'
a.marker = 12 # Same as a.marker = 'diamond_fill'
a.marker = 13 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_up_fill'
a.marker = 14 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_down_fill'
a.marker = 15 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_left_fill'
a.marker = 16 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_right_fill'
a.marker = 17 # Same as a.marker = 'square_fill'
a.marker = None # Draw no markers
# Change the xyvsy marker color #
a.marker = 'dot'
a.markercolor = 16
a.markercolor = 44 # same as a.markercolor = (44)
a.markercolor = None
# Change the xyvsy marker size #
a.markersize = 5
a.markersize = 55
a.markersize = 10
a.markersize = 100
a.markersize = 300
a.markersize = None
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.xyvsy(u, a,'default') # plot xyvsy using 'default' template'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a,u) # plot xyvsy template 't', outline 'a', and arrays 'u':'v'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.xyvsy(a,u,t) # plot using outline 'a', array 'u':'v', and template 't''line') # show the list of line secondary objects
l = x.getline('red') # get line 'red'
if x.issecondaryobject(l): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.isline(l): # check to see if it is a line
print 'Yes, this is a line object.'
l.list() # list the line's attributes and values
# Use the create line object 'm' from above and modify the line object #
a.line = l # use the line object
l.list() # list the line object attributes and values
l.color = 44 # change the line color = 'dot' # change the line type
l.width = 4 # change the line size'marker') # show the list of marker secondary objects
m = x.getmarker('red') # get marker 'red'
if x.issecondaryobject(m): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.ismarker(m): # check to see if it is a fill area
print 'Yes, this is a marker object.'
m.list() # list the marker's attributes and values
# Use the create marker object 'm' from above and modify the line object #
a.marker = m # use the marker object
m.list() # list the marker object attributes and values
m.color = 44 # change the marker color
m.type = 'square' # change the marker type
m.size = 20 # change the marker size'xyvsy') # show list of xyvsy
r = x.createxyvsy('test2','quick') # create xyvsy 'test2''xyvsy') # show list of xyvsy
x.removeobject(r) # remove xyvsy 'test2''xyvsy') # show list of xyvsy
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '***********************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** Xyvsy COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '***********************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Yxvsx Graphics Method Example:
# Example Yxvsx (GYx) module
# #
# Module: exampleyxvsx module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's Yxvsx graphics method. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def exampleyxvsx():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms2
f ='') # open clt file
u = f.getslab('u') # get slab u
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(u, 'default','yxvsx','quick') # plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,100,0) # change the geometry and location
a = x.getyxvsx('quick') # get 'quick' yxvsx
if x.isgraphicsmethod(a): # test object 'a' for graphics method
print 'Yes, this is a graphics method'
if x.isyxvsx(a): # test object 'a' if yxvsx
print 'Yes, this is an yxvsx graphics method'
a.list() # list the yxvsx's attributes and values
a.script('test','w') # save 'quick' yxvsx as a Python script
a.xticlabels('','') # remove the x-axis
a.xticlabels('*') # put the x-axis
# Change the yxvsx line #
a.line = 0 # same as 'solid'
a.line = 1 # same as 'dash'
a.line = 2 # same as 'dot'
a.line = 3 # same as 'dash-dot'
a.line = 4 # same as 'long-dash'
# Change the yxvsx line color #
a.linecolor = (77)
a.linecolor = 16
a.linecolor = 44 # same as a.color = (44)
a.linecolor = None
# Change the yxvsx marker #
a.marker = 1 # Same as a.marker = 'dot'
a.marker = 2 # Same as a.marker = 'plus'
a.marker = 3 # Same as a.marker = 'star'
a.marker = 4 # Same as a.marker = 'circle'
a.marker = 5 # Same as a.marker = 'cross'
a.marker = 6 # Same as a.marker = 'diamond'
a.marker = 7 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_up'
a.marker = 8 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_down'
a.marker = 9 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_left'
a.marker = 10 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_right'
a.marker = 11 # Same as a.marker = 'square'
a.marker = 12 # Same as a.marker = 'diamond_fill'
a.marker = 13 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_up_fill'
a.marker = 14 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_down_fill'
a.marker = 15 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_left_fill'
a.marker = 16 # Same as a.marker = 'triangle_right_fill'
a.marker = 17 # Same as a.marker = 'square_fill'
a.marker = None # Draw no markers
# Change the yxvsx marker color #
a.marker = 'dot'
a.markercolor = 16
a.markercolor = 44 # same as a.markercolor = (44)
a.markercolor = None
# Change the yxvsx marker size #
a.markersize = 5
a.markersize = 55
a.markersize = 10
a.markersize = 100
a.markersize = 300
a.markersize = None
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.yxvsx(u, a,'default') # plot yxvsx using 'default' template'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test') # create template 'test' from 'default' template
if x.istemplate(t): # test whether 't' is a template or not'template') # show the list of templates
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.plot(t,a,u) # plot yxvsx template 't', outline 'a', and arrays 'u':'v'
x.clear() # clear the VCS Canvas
x.yxvsx(a,u,t) # plot using outline 'a', array 'u':'v', and template 't''line') # show the list of line secondary objects
l = x.getline('red') # get line 'red'
if x.issecondaryobject(l): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.isline(l): # check to see if it is a line
print 'Yes, this is a line object.'
l.list() # list the line's attributes and values
# Use the create line object 'm' from above and modify the line object #
a.line = l # use the line object
l.list() # list the line object attributes and values
l.color = 44 # change the line color = 'dot' # change the line type
l.width = 4 # change the line size'marker') # show the list of marker secondary objects
m = x.getmarker('red') # get marker 'red'
if x.issecondaryobject(m): # check to see if it is a secondary object
print 'Yes, this is a secondary object.'
if x.ismarker(m): # check to see if it is a fill area
print 'Yes, this is a marker object.'
m.list() # list the marker's attributes and values
# Use the create marker object 'm' from above and modify the line object #
a.marker = m # use the marker object
m.list() # list the marker object attributes and values
m.color = 44 # change the marker color
m.type = 'square' # change the marker type
m.size = 20 # change the marker size'yxvsx') # show list of yxvsx
r = x.createyxvsx('test2','quick') # create yxvsx 'test2''yxvsx') # show list of yxvsx
x.removeobject(r) # remove yxvsx 'test2''yxvsx') # show list of yxvsx
# to see how x.update and x.mode work, see #
#x.mode = 1
#x.mode = 0
print '***********************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** Yxvsx COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '***********************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Colormap Example:
# Example Colormap (Cp) module
# #
# Module: examplecolormap module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's color map. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def examplecolormap():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms2
f ='') # open clt file
s = f.getslab('clt') # get slab clt
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(s,'default','isofill','quick')# plot slab the old way
x.geometry(450,337,0,0) # change the geometry
x.setcolormap("AMIP") # change the colormap
# Change the color map cell 31. #
# NOTE: #
# The colormapgui command will only work if the display #
# depth is set to 8-bit pseudo color. The next release #
# will allow for the colormap's graphical user interface #
# (GUI) and the animation's GUI to work in 16-, 24-, or #
# 32-bit True color visual classes. #
print '*****************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** COLORMAP COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '*****************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Hardcopy Example:
# Example Hardcopy module
# #
# Module: examplehardcopy module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Exmaple use of VCS's hard copy. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def examplehardcopy():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms2
f ='') # open clt file
s = f.getslab('clt') # get slab clt
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas
x.plot(s,'default','isofill','quick', bg = 1) # plot slab the old way, but in
x.gif('test') # generate gif file
x.postscript('test') # generate postscript file
x.cgm('test') # generate cgm file
x.raster(`test') # generate a raster file
x.setcolormap("AMIP") # change the colormap
x.clear() # clear all segments
t1 = x.createtemplate('test1','AMIP_1of2') # create template 'test' from AMIPDUD
t2 = x.createtemplate('test2','AMIP_2of2') # create template 'test' from AMIPDUD
isof = x.createisofill('test') # create isofill graphics method from default
isol = x.createisoline('test') # create isoline graphics method from default
# draw isofill plot on top, then an isoline plot on the bottom #
x.plot(s,t1,isof, bg = 1) # generate isofill plot in background
x.plot(s,t2, isol, bg = 1) # generate isoline plot in background
x.gif('test2.gif') # generate gif file
x.postscript('') # generate postscript file
x.cgm('test2.cgm') # generate cgm file
x.clear() # clear all segments
# draw isofill plot, then overlay an isoline plot #
x.plot(s, isof, bg = 1) # generate isofill plot
x.plot(s, isol, 'default', bg = 1) # generate isoline plot
x.gif('test3.gif') # generate gif file
x.clear() # clear all segments
x.setcolormap("default") # change colormap to default
x.plot(s,bg = 1) # plot boxfill
x.postscript('') # create a postscript file
x.('') # generate a gif file from the postscript file
print '*****************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** HARDCOPY COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '*****************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Picture Template Example:
# Example Picture Template (P) module
# #
# Module: exampletemplate module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Example use of VCS's template object. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def exampletemplate():
import vcs, cdms2 # import vcs and cdms2
f ='') # open clt file
s = f.getslab('clt') # get slab clt
x = vcs.init() # construct vcs canvas'template') # show the list of templates
t = x.createtemplate('test','AMIP') # create template 'test' from AMIP'template') # show the list of templates
t.script('test','w') # save test template as a Python script
g = x.createisofill('test') # create isofill 'test' from 'default' isofill
x.plot(g,s,t) # make isofill plot
# x.isofill(g,s,t) # make isofill plot
# Show the many different ways to show the template members (attributes) #
# and their values. #
t.list() # list the templates members
t.list('text') # list only text members, same as t.list('Pt')
t.list('format') # list only format members, same as t.list('Pf')
t.list('xtickmarks') # list only xtickmarks members, same as t.list('Pxt')
t.list('ytickmarks') # list only ytickmarks members, same as t.list('Pyt')
t.list('xlabels') # list only xlabels members, same as t.list('Pxl')
t.list('ylabels') # list only ylabels members, same as t.list('Pyl')
t.list('boxeslines') # list only boxeslines members, same as t.list('Pbl')
t.list('legend') # list only legend member, same as t.list('Pls')
t.list('data') # list only data member, same as t.list('Pds')
t.list('file') # list only file member and its values
t.file.list() # list only file member and its values
t.list('mean') # list only mean member and its values
t.mean.list() # list only mean member and its values
# The screen x and y positions on the screen are normalized between 0 and 1 #
# for both the x and y axis. #
t.mean.priority = 0 # remove the "Mean" text from the plot
t.mean.priority = 1 # re-display the "Mean" text on the plot
t.mean.x = 0.5 # move the "Mean" text to x-axis center
t.mean.y = 0.5 # move the "Mean" text to y-axis center
# Position the data in front of the "Mean" text, then move the "Mean" text #
# in front of the data. #
############################################################################# = 2 = 3
# Change the font representation for the "Mean" text. #
# You can set the text by using text objects or text names. #
tt = x.createtexttable('test')
to = x.createtextorientation('test')
t.mean.texttable = tt # set texttable by using texttable object
t.mean.textorientation = 'test' # set textorientation by using textorientation
t.mean.list() # show the mean member and their new values
tt.font = 2 # change the font
to.height = 40 # change the height
# Change the legend space. #
t.legend.list() # list the legend members
x.mode = 0 # turn the automatic update off
t.legend.x1 = 0.85
t.legend.y1 = 0.90
t.legend.x2 = 0.95
t.legend.y2 = 0.16
print '*****************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** TEMPLATE COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '*****************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Simple Animation Example:
# Simple animation module
# #
# Module: simpleanimation module #
# #
# Copyright: 2000, Regents of the University of California #
# This software may not be distributed to others without #
# permission of the author. #
# #
# Author: Dean N. Williams, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory #
# #
# #
# Description: Simple animation example. #
# NOTE: #
# The animation module will only work if the display #
# depth is set to 8-bit pseudo color. The next release #
# will allow for the animation's graphical user #
# interface (GUI) and the colormap's GUI to display #
# in 16-, 24-, or 32-bit True color visual classess. #
# #
# Version: 1.0 #
# #
# #
# Import: vcs and cdms2 modules. #
# #
def simpleanimation():
import vcs,cdms2 # import vcs and cdms
# See the CDMS document on how to ingest data. Also see the CU and #
# the Numeric documents on alternative ways to import data into VCS #
f = cdms2.openDataset('') # open example file
clt = f.variables['clt'] # get variable clt
s = clt[0] # get clt data
# At the moment, VCS can only animate one variable at a time. #
x = vcs.init() # initialize vcs
x.plot(s,variable = clt) # plot data using default values
print '*********************************************************************'
print '****** ******'
print '****** SIMPLE ANIMATION COMPLETED ******'
print '****** ******'
print '*********************************************************************'
if __name__ == "__main__":
# When the window appears, click in the 'configure' button and then the 'animate' button.
# You can then click on the 'run' button to start the animation.
# The most relevant plot configuration buttons are 'Basemap Opacity', 'Choose Colormap', 'Toggle Colorbar', and 'Scale Colormap'.
# The animation is saved to disk when the "record" button is toggled off.
# Shift-rightclick for point query operations.
def simpleanimation():
import vcs, cdms2, sys
x = vcs.init()
f ="/sample_data/")
v = f["clt"]
dv3d = vcs.get3d_scalar()
x.plot( v, dv3d )
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Vector Plot Example Using vcs3D:
# There are buttons for adjusting the glyph size, density, and colors.
# It won't animate because the clt dataset contains only one time step for the u,v data.
def simplevector():
import vcs, cdms2, sys
x = vcs.init()
f ="/sample_data/")
v = f["v"]
u = f["u"]
dv3d = vcs.get3d_vector()
dv3d.BasemapOpacity = 0.15
x.plot( u, v, dv3d )
if __name__ == "__main__":
###Volume Render Example Using vcs3D:
# There are buttons for adjusting the transfer function, opacity, colormap, and color scaling of the volume rendering.
def simplevolume():
import vcs, cdms2, sys
x = vcs.init()
f ="/sample_data/")
u = f["uwnd"]
dv3d = vcs.get3d_scalar()
dv3d.VerticalScaling = 3.0
dv3d.ScaleOpacity = [0.0, 0.8]
dv3d.ScaleColormap = [-46.0, 45, 1]
dv3d.ScaleTransferFunction = [8.6, 76.7, 1]
dv3d.BasemapOpacity = [0.5]
dv3d.XSlider =
dv3d.ZSlider =
dv3d.YSlider =
dv3d.ToggleVolumePlot = vcs.on
dv3d.ToggleSurfacePlot =
dv3d.Camera={ 'Position': (-161, -171, 279), 'ViewUp': (.29, 0.67, 0.68), 'FocalPoint': (146.7, 8.5, -28.6) }
x.plot( u, dv3d )
if __name__ == "__main__":